Scale down supply chain emissions effectively with CarbonM's AI-driven solutions.

Collaborate with your suppliers on a shared reduction journey to achieve your Scope 3 objectives.

Supply Chain decarbonization

Scale down supply chain emissions effectively with CarbonM's AI-driven solutions.

Collaborate with your suppliers on a shared reduction journey to achieve your Scope 3 objectives.

Build an actionable Scope 3 footprint.

Optimize your sustainability strategy: refine data into a detailed emission footprint, spotlighting critical areas across suppliers and product life cycles.

Carbon data for your supply chain
Suppliers ranking by Emissions

Mobilize your buying division in your decarbonization journey.

Operationalize at scale: give your team the tools to make purchases that drive your reduction goals forward.

Amplify collaboration with your suppliers.

Work closely with your suppliers, assisting them to evaluate and reduce their product emissions, leveraging our unique partnership with CDP.

Lead & track your sustainability progress.

Continuously track your suppliers’ contributions, chart their progress, and achieve tangible reductions aligned with your company-level targets.

Accelerate Your Journey to Net Zero – Simplify Carbon Footprint Verification


Construct your corporate carbon footprint and scrutinize emissions hotspots using carbon BOM data.


Effortlessly create audit-ready reports tailored to your export standards and international guidelines.


Set up an internal database that follows industry standards and establish clear emissions reduction goals for your entire value chain.


Launch sustainability initiatives that align with your business forecasts for immediate impact.

Time to act now.

Empower Your Sustainability Journey with CarbonM

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