NZCA & Cedars Digital Net zero event in Taiwan

Empowering Green Futures: Strategic Partnerships for Carbon Management

As a proud Singaporean company dedicated to sustainability, Cedars Digital is thrilled to announce our recent collaboration with the Taiwan Net Zero Carbon Association (NZCA). This partnership highlights our commitment to addressing the urgent challenges of carbon management.

NZCA & Cedars Digital Net zero event in Taiwan Torrent Chin Speaking
Torrent Chin Speaking about the importance of Carbon Footage Verification and future trend

At a recent forum, we showcased our innovative AI Carbon Emissions Calculation System and Carbon Asset Management Services. These solutions are crafted to simplify the complexities of carbon management, enabling businesses to operate more sustainably with ease and precision.

Looking forward, Cedars Digital is eager to establish strategic partnerships with major enterprises through our AI Carbon Management Services. We aim to spearhead the green revolution, unlocking new business opportunities in this crucial era of sustainability. As specialists in rapid carbon footprint verification (CFV), we are dedicated to providing innovative solutions that make a significant environmental impact.


Steven Ko from O'right speaking

NZCA Event for Taiwan's net zero


Net Zero Event

Join us on our journey toward a sustainable future—because together, we can make a real difference.

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